Tuesday, March 23, 2010

pet peevies.

If you were ever wondering what my pet peeves are....

1. Don't make me out to be stupid. Don't make me feel stupid when I'm not. Don't look at me like I'm stupid when I'm not. ex. I'm all heated up talking about a certain issue that's happening and every one around me looks at me silently only because I speak my mind too much and I might sound a little harsh. Just don't do it.

2. Don't tell me to "calm down" or "chill out" ESPECIALLY when I'm already CALM or CHILL. Even when I'm not calm or chill... just don't do it. It's lammmmeeeeee-o.

Those are my two pet peevie weevies. if you accidentally do any of these two to me, i might go ballistic on youuuuus. :D

1 comment:

Dear God said...

omgsh sunnie.. those two are 2 of my many pet peeves too !!!!!

UGHHHHHHHHH i really hate it when im all hyped about something im talking and they're lookin at me like im crazy. i want to finger jab thier eyeballs OUT.

i ALSO HATE IT when people tell me to "chill" or "calm down" or "relaaax" when i already AM chilled, calmed down, and relaxed. that makes me feel STUPID too.


i kinda angry right now reading your entry because i'm reminded of some moments like that and i'm SOOOOO thankful someone understands.