hello blogging world :)
haha, yes yes. i haven't posted in A LONG TIME.... this, i know. I wonder if people even stop to look at this thing anymore haha.
SO! THIS IS A NEW YEAR! WHICH MEANS A NEW ME RIGHT?! HAHA.. hell to the no. I hate all that new years resolution crap. BUT... who am I kidding. I definitely did make new year's resolutions, but I'm just not calling it that :) I just have three things I really wanna work on.
What I want to change in the new year:
1. I really want to start blogging more for myself. At least once a day I hope. I will be starting student teaching on January 18th and a part of our grade has to do with our appearance so I will definitely be dressing up every day for school :) YAY! I'm so excited for this. Ms. Frizzle from the magic school bus books is my role model in life so I am hoping I can take some of her fashion sense and incorporate it into my daily outfits for student teaching. haha i am so lame i can't even take it.
2. I want to live a happier life inside and out. After looking at pictures of what my intestines probably look like on google (I google imaged ulcerative colitis and almost barfed), I have decided to go almost full vegan. I don't wanna label myself as a vegan or anything because it's not because I don't WANT to eat meat or dairy.... it's because my body (most times) physically rejects the stuff. I will still drink a cup of kefir every morning and probably eat greek yogurt until I die so I can never be a full vegan. And I know that a lot people are like "oh vegans are lame because they're all hipsters and lalalallalalaaaaaaa" but sometimes people have no choice and you should give it a rest because I really wish I could bite into a juicy burger or have a thick milkshake without having bloody diarrhea or vomiting all night into the morning (TMI?). ANYWAY, so this will be the full year of me trying to take care of my body better. I promise you stomach that I will NOT let you down. and plus, i'm afraid of getting surgery :)
3. I want to make the most of living at home. I'll be getting married on November 3, 2012 (!!!!) so this will be the last year I live with my parents. Although they drive me up a wall every day, I want to show them that I AM thankful for letting me live here and mooch off of them for so long haha.
ANYWAY, enough chitterchatttttttttttttttah. here are some recent pics. :) MORE TO COME THIS YEAR I PROMISE.

I'm just gonna start off by showing some of our engagement pictures taken by the lovely
Bora Yom who is a great friend of ours and I am so thankful to her because our pictures are AWESOME. Anyway, it's almost 4am and I need to wake up for kickboxing and pilates so I WILL BE BACK TOMORROW!