Sunday, March 27, 2011

hairy pumpkin.

so a short (HAH not so much) post of what i did on friday/sat.

jason and i decided to have a date night on friday just because we never see each other anymore because he works in the city now and we don't get to go on dates everrr. so he drove the 40 minutes to my house (bless his heart) and we went to go watch sucker punch!!!!!

okay. i know the reviews said that the movie was horrible.. but for any girl who's looking for a kick ass movie anthem for laddddddiessssssss, sucker punch is for YOU. hahah. but seriously, these girls were crazy in shape and they were fighting like beasts. and i don't think a lot of boyfriends would mind watching this movie either because the girls are pretty much in like bodysuits shooting machine guns. it's CRAZY.

then on saturday, jason came and took me to staples/walmart/chikfila so that i could run some errands for a busyyyy two and a half months of school that i will be dealing with. sighhh. we met our friends at valley green and walked for awhile. Too bad i was wearing combat boots, a fur vest, and some fuschia lipstick and jason was wearing converse leather lace up boots, levi jeans, and a plaid shirt ahahha. oh well.

so here are some pics.

us at the movie theatre.. my cheeks look shiny because i had some kind of ointment on it for my rashes hahahah. and p.s. my boyfriend is the best in the world. :)

me standing mad awkward at the movies. i love my h&m flaming orange cropped sweater :)

crazy looking shadow on my crazy looking face.

jason doing something weird with the camera.

i was jumping up and down because it was colddd and my hair looks kinda crazy hahahah.

i'm wearing an h&m cropped sweater, american apparel black chiffon button up, forever21 fur vest, seven for all mankind skinny jeans, and combat boots.

soo saw this vest at forever21 and tried it on and we laughed because it was HUGE on her and she said it made her look like hagrid. HAHAH. so it has now been named the hagrid vest. I just look like a giant hairy pumpkin. :D :D

and jason is the best boyfriend in the world (as stated above)!!!! i'm lucky God placed him in my life to show me His love and goodness.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

you're a stone fox.

So my gracious cousin has been letting me use her netflix account and i've been going through the watch instantly movies. last night i watched according to greta and for some strange reason, as much as i say that hilary duff is dumb and she's a horrible actress... i tend to end up LOVING every movie she makes HAHA. she was such a hard ass in the movie and evan ross (diana ross' son) is like a younger, but not as cute version of chris brown. i liked it a lot. and today before class i decided to procrastinate from doing my CRAZY amount of work and I watched the virgin suicides.

I've watched this movie before, but I only remember bits and pieces of it. i didn't want to watch it when i was heavily depressed and this afternoon i was feeling pretty good so i decided i was in the mood to watch it again. as i was watching it, i couldn't stop looking at the clothes hahah. i seriously should've maybe have been born during that time. or at least been around 14 in the 70s. the clothes were awesomeeeee. here are some pictures i liked.

I love their floral outfits, crop tops, lace dresses, thin and sheer nighties-- AHHH i love it all! i especially loved their dresses that they wore to the dance. they were conservative since their mother made them in the movie, but i loved them anyway.

I was a bit inspired by the movie (even though it was a pretty depressing movie) so i pulled out a shirt that i got from a boutique at penn state and it looked pretty 70s to me..

yeppp. so here are some photobooth pictures that were taken on my macbook pro haha. i have a camera, but it's like the ghetto-est thing you will ever see and it takes crappy pictures so my macs just gonna have to do until i can afford another camera (which will be never). the shirt is from the boutique and so is the knitted vest i'm wearing in the second to last picture. and the first one, i just look crazy. YAY.

i wanna try some high waisted flares and maybe a midriff baring top, but i would have my belly covered by the jeans to spare everyone from seeing my rolls and my fugly belly button (i got it from my dad and it's the fugliest thing ever). i might even have to skip out on the high waisted part of the flare jeans since they're not really flattering... so maybe this outfit's a bust. HAHA. okay.. i'm gonna go watch another movie. TATAAAAAAA. (LONGEST POST EVER)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

my face..

sighhh. i am sad. i have crazy rashes on my face because i got really burnt this past saturday helping bora unnie out with a photoshoot. the photoshoot was such a success because bora unnie is maddddd talented (and i was struggling to keep up with her hahah), but i didn't even notice that the sun was so strong! i mean, i was out there from 11am-4:30pm so.... yeah. anyway! bora unnie used me as her subject before the engagement couple came so i wanted to share two pictures!

you can click on them to make larger. anywayyy, gotta run to class now.. i will edit with pictures of my rashy face. :(

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

just for you to know.

so something has been on my mind and it's really bugging me to PIECES. so people in my family think that i always only think about myself and they call this "the sunnie show." okay, well i get what they're trying to say, but honestly, it's really never about me. maybe when i'm feeling really depressed and i'm having pity parties about me and my life, but other than that.. it's really not about me. my parents don't praise me on my life decisions, they're never really proud of me, and all they have to say are negative things about me. so right there.. it's not about me. my grandparents on my dad's side hate me and pretty much disowned me because i didn't choose a profession in some kind of medical field. they really want nothing to do with my life so that's not about me either. so pretty much, "the sunnie show" is just negative nancy stuff. and i feel like that's just sad. and i know the very few people who read this are probably like.. it IS about you because this post has so many "I.. I.. I's!!" but really though? this is my blog.. of course it's gonna have a lot of I and me me me's because it sure as hell won't be able you.

sorry that this entry is so negative nancy and debbie downer, but i'm in rare form right now because something just lit my fuse and i'm about to explode.

i think i'm going to start cutting out the disease in my life until God helps me love the way He created me. honestly, i might even be the disease... but i know that God understands me and loves me. and really, in the end, that's all that matters.

took this the other day... it's exactly how i feel about you.

and i'm not trying to say what chris brown did was good by any means, but this video makes me feel so happy and i just really love him.

so koo koo ka chooooooo. i'm moving to germany or something and guten tag-ing it up. SEE YA.

Monday, March 14, 2011

random thoughts.

off to class in like 10 minutes, but i felt like writing a post for some strangeee reason. i love this song. i love bon iver. i started listening to their music later than i would have liked. anyway, my stomach is feeling better.. just really gaseous hahaaaaa. I have so much workload for the next month and a half and then crazy packed in summer courses, but hopefully i will finish school soon and get outtaaaaaaaaa heeeeeere. :) i miss my sick boyfriend. it's his first day at his new job and he got my stomach virus on saturday. i felt so bad for him. but of course, he kicked it in the butt real fast and dragged himself to work and presented himself nicely. :) that's my mannnn.

anyway... two random pictures during this random time writing this random post on a random monday. ladidaaaa.

haha you can see straight up my big nostrrrrrils.

look at my uneven eyes. hmm i look kinda haggard and maybe cross eyed. sighh my life.


Sunday, March 13, 2011


this video makes me really happy even though this song is old. :)

i've been sick with a stomach virus ever since wednesday. my brother decided to come home for spring break with the virus and ruin my spring break by passing it on to me. yayyyyy. ughhh i've been so miserable it's not even funny. the only thing i've been worried about is my metabolism. i wanna be free to eat whatever i want without becoming a huge beached whale. sighhh.. i still love my brother though.

my sister got engagedddddd this past saturday. i'm so excited for her and i love her very much. i feel like her boyfriend (jason) fits in perfectly with me taeyee and unnies. i'm happy that he will soon be considered family to me (even though he always felt like a part of my family to me before the engagement). i'm so excited to help my sister wedding plan and hopefully she'll let me go and taste test some food hahah. <3

even though there's been so much happiness in my life lately (sister's engagement and taeyee coming home), i've been feeling really defeated and sad lately. it's probably because i'm sick and feeling very vulnerable, but i also think it's because i feel so stuck. it's been two years since i graduated school and although i'm in grad school, i still feel like the same person. the same old broke, unhappy, and jobless girl. i'm happy this song resurfaced into my life again because watching the video makes me smile. and hopefully smiling can cure this funk that i'm in....

Sunday, March 6, 2011


so. i decided to give up facebook for lent because i pretty much waste time on it everyday for maybe.... i don't even know. i always have it up, i never work on my assignments on time because i'm browsing (stalking random people hahaaa) on it or writing on people's walls. it's pretty gross. SO! i've decided that i need to stop and that it's kinda disgusting how interested i am in other people's lives (in a bad way). this way, i can be using my time wisely (the way God wants me to be using my time) and i'm thinking that i'll be much more productive. Hopefully, that also means that i will be writing and updating more on my blog. Another thing that I've decided to do for lent is to comb through my closets, drawers, and storage bags of clothes and literally purge my room clean of all of the clothes that i NEVER wear-- especially all of those free tshirts i have laying around so that i could maybe wear them to the gym or something. i think i have like over 30 random tshirts. and let me just tell you... those tshirts have never seen the gym. I wanted to try giving up shopping in general... but i have a good feeling that i'll break that in like.. a day. so, i'm going to work my way up to that hopefully by next year. ANWAYYYYYYY. here's to a successful season of lenttttttttt!!

[i'll post pictures more often too :)]

Lord, help me to rely on You during this time AND at ALLLLLL times. help me to use this time wisely and pleasing to You.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


the stuff i thought my family would understand the most... they don't get at all. my parents have disappointed me 3849738473948 times in the past, but this is the first time i felt this way towards my entire family.

some people make me feel so disgusted it's not even funny. and please, before anybody judges me, examine yourself for goodness sake.

i've never been made to feel so low in my life. thank God because He's the one who keeps me alive.