Sunday, March 13, 2011


this video makes me really happy even though this song is old. :)

i've been sick with a stomach virus ever since wednesday. my brother decided to come home for spring break with the virus and ruin my spring break by passing it on to me. yayyyyy. ughhh i've been so miserable it's not even funny. the only thing i've been worried about is my metabolism. i wanna be free to eat whatever i want without becoming a huge beached whale. sighhh.. i still love my brother though.

my sister got engagedddddd this past saturday. i'm so excited for her and i love her very much. i feel like her boyfriend (jason) fits in perfectly with me taeyee and unnies. i'm happy that he will soon be considered family to me (even though he always felt like a part of my family to me before the engagement). i'm so excited to help my sister wedding plan and hopefully she'll let me go and taste test some food hahah. <3

even though there's been so much happiness in my life lately (sister's engagement and taeyee coming home), i've been feeling really defeated and sad lately. it's probably because i'm sick and feeling very vulnerable, but i also think it's because i feel so stuck. it's been two years since i graduated school and although i'm in grad school, i still feel like the same person. the same old broke, unhappy, and jobless girl. i'm happy this song resurfaced into my life again because watching the video makes me smile. and hopefully smiling can cure this funk that i'm in....

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