Sunday, May 23, 2010

freja again.

i know that i've already blogged about freja beha erichsen like 93902938 times, but i just can't stop. i model search a lot, but i think she's the only model who i truly enjoy looking at. i think it's the whole masculine vibe that she carries with her. she's hot yo. so i'm going to share some pictures that were taken by Boo George for twin magazine f/w 2009. yeah, i'm foreal late with these pictures, but i just need to re-post them for people to see because it's definitely worth looking at.

i left out the picture where she's completely topless just so i can keep it PG.

today was a bad day. i thought looking at these pictures would make me feel better, but what i really need to do is pray. i foreal need jesus in my life because i'm dying without Him.

p.s. something mysterious happened to my camera so until jason gives me his charger for his camera i shall not be able to share my outfits for my new project until i have a working camera. YAY! (haha even though only like two people come to my blog anyway. woohoo!)


Dear God said...

show me the topless onE!!!!!

seriously tho, shes hot fiyah.

Dear God said...

and YES to girltalk & meeting up... PLEASE.