Saturday, May 22, 2010


so i have found myself a project. while i was moving out of my apartment i noticed that i had an insane amount of clothes. some of these clothes still had tags on them and i bought them ages ago. i got upset looking at everything because it was going to be really hard packing everything and having to lug it back to the burbs. i came back home and unpacked right away. my big closet is packed with clothes right now. the funny thing is, i don't even wear any of my clothes! really! i have my few t-shirts from american apparel, my standard jeans, and my poop colored striped hoodie from aa that i wear ALL THE TIME. it's not even soft anymore. SO! i have decided to try a new project. i mean, it might be a little impossible, but i have to give it a try. i decided to wear everything that is in my closet at least once before i buy another article of clothing. YES. i am fully aware that this is going to be very hard, but i need something (anything!) to keep me occupied. i want to feel accomplished and especially since i have a shopping addiction, i believe that this will be very good for me. it might even help me to grow up a little. :)

i know this sounds really stupid to ask You for help, but i ask that you give me strength and to truly be thankful for what i already have. thank You.


eunji hong said...

love you sunnie bunny!!! great idea for a project, next one, let's recreate our closet and do fun DIY's this summer
<3 eunji

Dear God said...

hehe i love it! i pray for you :)