Thursday, June 17, 2010

wish i had somewhere to go.

so after waking up around 7am to watch the soccer game on the spanish channel, i took a four hour nap and woke up around 3pm. HAHA. did the dishes and danced around in my jammies for about an hour, worked up a sweat even after i took a shower and decided to wear something bummy and something that wouldn't make me sweat. naturally, i pulled out my purple acid wash tshirt and diy actual boyfriend shorts. went to walk oskie and realized how NICE it was today. warm with a nice cool breeze. I LOVE THIS WEATHER. so i decided to do another outfit post, but i noticed that i had nowhere to wear my outfit. so this is my what i would wear if i had somewhere to wear this outfit post! yay yippee doodle freaking day.

i'm excited because i found pretty places in my house to take pictures. hahah. instead of just taking them in front of my crappy white closet.

paparazzi shot haha.

tree covering my face. how it should be. :)

crooked, but i like the sunlight in the pic.

sorry this is a mayjah picture overload. i guess this is because maybe i won't post another one for awhile. hahah. and i should really be studying instead of doing these, but whateva skaneva. i also quickly changed back to my tshirt and shorts to go hang out with grace. hahah.

on me: a silk vintage dress from goodwill (with shoulder pads holla)/leather pumps with zippahsss/random gold bracelets and green floral bracelet from st. maarten/bright yellow sillyband from one of my yg kids. hahahah.


Hannah W. said...

I LOVE YOUR DRESS!!!! you pull it off with aplomb <3

Dear God said...

my fav one so far!!!! and your house is cool :D invite me ova ;) hehe oh and your booty in the 2nd to last pic is like BAMlicious! <3