Tuesday, January 19, 2010

bad boy.

So, Jason jokingly always calls me a bad boy if I'm being mean or I say something foul. Yes, I'm a girl. And yes, I enjoy being called a bad boy. I think it's cute.

Anyway, these past few weeks (more like these past few months) I've been really angry and bitter towards everything. Who even knows if it has to do with me being unemployed (STILL), or maybe it's because I just hate the world and everything in it. WHO KNOWS. All I know is that I've been calling everybody sluts, whores, sometimes I tend to say, "I wanna smack a hoe," and I even throw in "it just makes me wanna punch a baby."

I don't even know where I'm going with this. I guess I just wanted to write this down to remind myself that I did once hold some remorse for the fact that I say some really mean things without noticing it.

I feel the worst for Jason. He has to deal with the bulk of all my crap even when he has nothing to do with the reason why I'm angry. So yes. I fully admit that I am a bad boy. The baddest boy. And I guess I want to say sorry. I especially want to say sorry to my man friend. He is the best and he doesn't deserve me ripping him apart in to pieces because of things he never does. He is the greatest guy there is and I need to learn how to show him my appreciation instead of being in a sourpuss mood all the time.

Sighh.... and I really need to stop overeating or eating two five guy burgers in one day. maybe i should lay off the coconut macaroons as well. GAHHH at this rate, I'll be the size of a whale in a couple of months.

okay, this entry needed to be done a long time ago.


Hannah W. said...

that's cute! btw don't worry about it lovah, you keep it whatever color you want to!

Dear God said...

:( sunkyung. i think i'm a bad boy too :( i always take out all my stress/anger/bitterness/ and all that other ugly stuff on my man friend as well. ahhhh.. God bless their souls!

oh and im really craving some coconut macaroons right now... mm