Saturday, January 2, 2010

feel good.

i'm feeling good. maybe it's because i'm listening to the upbeat song, "I feel it all" by fiest, or maybe it's because i'm excited for the future. I guess you can say that i'm excited for this new year. it feels like this huge bubble is expanding inside of me. not one of those painful gas stomachaches, but a very upbeat, I CAN DO IT sort of aching.

i ache. i'm aching to do well this year. i'm aching to make my parents proud. i'm aching to desire God so that I can fully appreciate why i'm here on earth. i can't go back to where i was. i can't feel the way that i have been feeling for half a year. that feeling of watching everybody rush pass me as they move along happily in their lives, while i stand in place... maybe even moving backward. seeing nothing but the backs of people running into improvements and opportunities. i don't want to be left behind. i wish to move forward also. i wish to jump into situations fearlessly. i wish to be fearless. i wish to fear no one but God.

i want to try. i want to be pushed. i want to expand (not literally). i want to learn. i want to be ready. i want to be prepared. prepared for all the failures and chances.

i don't know what i wish to do with my future. and honestly, i really don't think i have a choice. it's not in my hands. i just need to seek hard and hope to find it.

lord, help me strive to be a better woman in You. help me want to try for You.

1 comment:

Dear God said...

mmm its been so long since ive felt that way... i usually get that after every long break... but this winter break. it never came :(